Get Squares

Own a part of the Australian Rainforest – and protect it forever.

Now you can own a piece of nature. You can keep it, gift it, or sell it at any time.

About the Land

Cassowary Connection Nature Refuge

The ~25ha property is part of a significant biodiversity corridor for the movement of the endangered Southern Cassowary between the coastline and Djiru National Park in the World Heritage Wet Tropics. The vegetation on the property is part of the largest contiguous block of lowland rainforest south of the Daintree River and vital to numerous flora and fauna species.

We pledge to donate $1 for every 10 square meters purchased to the Djiru Djiru Warrangburra Aboriginal Corporation

10 sqm

10 sqm

10 sqm

10 sqm

Found in this area

Southern Cassowary

Casuarius casuarius johnsonii

Common mistfrog

Litoria rheocola

Australian Lacelid

Litoria dayi

Tapping Green Eyed Frog

Litoria serrata

How it works

SquareBySquare purchases land

We divide this land into small Squares

We use the profits to buy more land

About the Project


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Reserve your Squares now

By clicking this button, you make a non-binding pledge to purchase the amount of Squares selected

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Meet the Founder

Henk Kleynhans

“I am passionate about wildlife & nature conservation and the role technology can play in combating deforestation and climate change”

Experienced startup founder and people leader.

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